The NET_DISPLAY_USER structure contains information that an account manager can access to determine information about user names, directory information for users, and user passwords.

typedef struct _NET_DISPLAY_USER {
    LPWSTR   usri1_name;
    LPWSTR   usri1_comment;
    DWORD    usri1_flags;
    LPWSTR   usri1_full_name;
    DWORD    usri1_user_id;
    DWORD    usri1_next_index;


A Unicode string that specifies the name of the user account.
A Unicode string that points to a Unicode string that contains a comment. This string can be a null string, or it can have any number of characters before the terminating null character (MAXCOMMENTSZ).
Contains values that determine several features. This member can be any of the following values.
Value Meaning
UF_SCRIPT The logon script executed. This value must be set for LAN Manager 2.0 or Windows NT.
UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE The user's account is disabled.
UF_HOMEDIR_REQUIRED The home directory is required. Windows NT ignores this value.
UF_PASSWRD_NOTREQD No password is required.
UF_PASSWRD_CANT_CHANGE The user cannot change the password.
UF_LOCKOUT The account is currently locked out (blocked). For the NetUserSetInfo function, this value can be cleared to unlock a previously locked account. This value cannot be used to lock a previously locked account.
UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD Windows NT: Represents the password, which will never expire on the account.

The following members describe the account type. Only one member can be set.

Points to a Unicode string that contains the full name of the user. This string can be a null string, or it can have any number of characters before the terminating null character.
Specifies the relative identifier of the user. The relative identifier is determined by the accounts database when the user is created. It uniquely defines this user account to the account manager within the domain.
Specifies the index of the next entry to return from the NetQueryDisplayInformation function. Pass this value as the Index parameter of NetQueryDisplayInformation to return the next logical entry.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in lmaccess.h.

See Also

Networking (Net) Overview, Net Structures, NetUserAdd, NetUserSetInfo, NetQueryDisplayInformation