The REPL_EDIR_INFO_2 structure specifies features of the export subdirectories or the entire subtree of a replicator.

typedef struct _REPL_EDIR_INFO_2 {
    LPWSTR         rped2_dirname;
    DWORD          rped2_integrity;
    DWORD          rped2_extent;
    DWORD          rped2_lockcount;
    DWORD          rped2_locktime;


Specifies the name of a particular subdirectory of the main export directory.
Specifies one of the following Wait Until Stabilized options for the importer.
Value Meaning
REPL_INTEGRITY_TREE When the importer detects a change to the tree, it copies the entire tree to a temporary top-level directory, then renames it in the existing directory. If any problem occurs while copying the tree, the importer deletes the temporary directory. This action guarantees that the entire tree matches the original tree.
REPL_INTEGRITY_FILE When an importer detects mismatched file attributes of the tree structure (such as date, time, name, and size), it copies the file to a temporary local file, then renames the local file in the place of the existing file. This action guarantees the integrity only of individual files, not of the entire tree.

Specifies one of the following flags to select files within the main export directory.
Value Meaning
REPL_EXTENT_FILE Selects a single file in the main export directory.
REPL_EXTENT_TREE Selects the entire subtree in the main export directory. If you clear a top-level directory in the Control panel (Control Panel -> Server -> Replicator -> Manage Export), only the files in that top-level directory will be replicated, and subdirectories or their contents will not.

This member is the current lock count on the subdirectory; it can be modified only with the NetReplExportDirLock and NetReplExportDirUnlock functions.
This member specifies, in seconds, the time at which the directory was locked since 1970.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in lmrepl.h.

See Also

Networking (Net) Overview, Net Structures, NetReplExportDirLock, NetReplExportDirUnlock