Managing Traps and Notifications

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The WinSNMP manager application must register to receive traps and notifications by calling the SnmpRegister function with SNMPAPI_ON. The application can unregister and disable traps and notifications by calling the function with SNMPAPI_OFF.

Several options are available when the application calls SnmpRegister. The application can register or unregister for the following traps and notifications:

To register and receive a predefined trap or notification type, the application must define an object identifier (an smiOID structure) for each predefined type. The structure must contain a pattern-matching sequence for the type of trap or notification. RFC 1907, "Management Information Base for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)," defines trap and notification object identifiers.

To retrieve outstanding trap data and notifications for a WinSNMP session, a WinSNMP manager application must call the SnmpRecvMsg function with the session handle returned by the SnmpOpen function.

For additional information, see Sending SNMP Messages and Receiving SNMP Messages. For additional information about allocation and deallocation of resources for traps and notifications, see Allocating WinSNMP Memory Objects.