Evaluate Distribution Results

A "complete" job status does not necessarily indicate successful deployment of the operating system. You must perform additional analysis to determine results.

First, make sure the inventory has been updated for all computers in the target group of workstations. Then run queries against the Machine Group to which you sent the Windows NT Workstation installation job. For example, you might create "Successful Windows NT Workstation" and "Unsuccessful Windows NT Workstation" queries.

Examine the computers that were not successfully upgraded on a case-by-case basis. Check, for example, whether there were changes in available disk space or in the availability of some other resource between the time the computer was added to the target group and the time the upgrade was performed.

The computers that were successfully upgraded should be tested to make sure the configuration you specified works as expected.

Job Events

You can check details of job events to troubleshoot problems. For example, if a job has failed, perhaps because the .inf file was not available where it was expected, this would be reported in the job events.

To view the job events

1. From the Systems Management Server Administrator window, choose Jobs. The Jobs window appears.

2. Select the job.

3. From the File menu, choose Properties. The Job Properties dialog box appears.

4. Choose Status. The Job Status dialog box appears.

5. Choose Details.

Viewing job events is further described in the section, "Viewing Job Events and Status" in Chapter 11, "Jobs," of the Systems Management Server Administrator's Guide.

Job Logs

A log is created as each job progresses; each task is logged to a log file as it is performed. This log file can be examined if the job failed or produced unexpected results, to help you pinpoint the source of the problem.

Use Trace.exe, which you copied to your Systems Management Server server while setting up the lab, to view log files of jobs that have been run. When you start this program, the Systems Management Server Tracer window appears.

You can open a log file by choosing Open from the File menu, and view the contents of the log file.

Additional Help

If you need to contact Microsoft Product Support for help with the deployment, be sure you have copies of the following files for the test or deployment attempt for which you need help: