Threads in a Bottleneck

After you've determined which process or processes are causing the bottleneck, it's time to think about threads. Threads are the components of a process that run on the processor. They are the objects that are waiting in the queue, running in user mode or operating system code, and being switched on to and off of the processor.

Understanding thread behavior is essential to understanding how processes use the processor. However, unless you are developing or maintaining an application, or have access to the person who is, there is little you can do about thread behavior.

Warning Performance Monitor counter values for threads are subject to error when threads are stopping and starting. Faulty values sometimes appear as large spikes in the data. For details, see "Monitoring Threads" in Chapter 10, "About Performance Monitor."

To study threads during a bottleneck, log the System, Processor, Process, and Thread objects for several days at an update interval of 60 seconds.


When logging the Thread object, you must also log the Process object. If you do not, the process names will not appear in the Instances box for the Thread object and threads will be difficult to identify.