GDI-Managed Bitmaps

GDI manages bitmaps in all DIB formats including 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32 bits-per-pixel. GDI can do all line drawing, filling, text output, and bit block transfer (bitblt) operations on these bitmaps. This makes it possible for the driver to either have GDI do all graphics rendering, or to implement functions for which its hardware offers special support.

If the device has a frame buffer in a DIB format, GDI can perform any or all graphics output directly to the device, making a frame buffer driver very small. If the device supports a nonstandard format, the driver must implement necessary drawing functions. GDI can still simulate most drawing functions, although a performance cost is incurred: the pixels must be copied into a standard format bitmap before they can be operated on by GDI, and then be copied back to the original format after drawing is complete.