Calling VideoPortXxx from HwVidFindAdapter
Certain VideoPortXxx functions should be called only from the
miniport driver’s HwVidFindAdapter function(s). A HwVidFindAdapter
function would never call all of the following, but every HwVidFindAdapter
function must call some of the following VideoPortXxx:
VideoPortGetBusData to get bus-type-specific configuration information
about an adapter on a particular I/O bus
VideoPortSetBusData to set bus-specific configuration data for an
adapter on a dynamically configurable I/O bus with a published standard
interface, such as a PCI bus, if necessary
VideoPortGetDeviceData to get VIDEO_DEVICE_DATA_TYPE-specific
information from the registry and call a miniport-supplied HwVidQueryDeviceCallback
function to process the information, as described in HwVidQueryDeviceCallback
VideoPortGetAccessRanges to get bus-relative access ranges addresses,
and possibly other hardware configuration values, and to claim them in the
registry for use by the driver of an adapter, usually one on a configurable
I/O bus
VideoPortVerifyAccessRanges to determine whether bus-relative video
memory and/or I/O ports for the adapter can be claimed by the miniport driver;
otherwise, a previously loaded driver has already claimed the resource in the
registry and the HwVidFindAdapter function must try to claim other
access ranges if possible or return control and propagate the status value
returned by VideoPortVerifyAccessRanges
VideoPortGetDeviceBase to map each successfully claimed bus-relative
base address and range size, as described in each VIDEO_ACCESS_RANGE-type
element for the adapter, to a system-space logical address range
Each such (bus-relative) physical address range must be mapped with VideoPortGetDeviceBase
before it is used to access an adapter. With mapped logical range
addresses, the driver can call the VideoPortReadXxx and VideoPortWriteXxx
functions to read from or write to an adapter. For a mapped range in I/O
space, the miniport driver calls the VideoPortReadPortXxx and VideoPortWritePortXxx
functions. For a mapped range in memory, the miniport driver calls the VideoPortReadRegisterXxx
and VideoPortWriteRegisterXxx functions.
VideoPortFreeDeviceBase to release such a mapped range if the HwVidFindAdapter
or HwVidQueryDeviceCallback function does not find an adapter it can
support on a given I/O bus, as indicated by the VIDEO_PORT_CONFIG_INFO SystemIoBusNumber
If this occurs, the miniport also must call VideoPortVerifyAccessRanges
to release its claims in the registry on the bus-relative access ranges for
that adapter.
VideoPortScanRom to determine whether a specific signature matches that
of the machine ROM; in effect, this determines whether the miniport finds a
specific adapter with a video chip it can support.
A HwVidFindAdapter routine also can call the VideoPortGetRegistryParameters
and VideoPortSetRegistryParameters functions to get and set
configuration information in the registry. For example, HwVidFindAdapter
might call VideoPortSetRegistryParameters to set up nonvolatile
configuration information in the registry for the next boot. It might call VideoPortGetRegistryParameters
to get adapter-specific, bus-relative configuration parameters written into
the registry by an installation program.
The HwVidInitialize function, described later in HwVidInitialize
Functionality, also can call VideoPortGetRegistryParameters or VideoPortSetRegistryParameters.