

        IN PUNICODE_STRING  RegistryPath,
        IN PUNICODE_STRING  DriverClassName,        /* optional */
DeviceObject,            /* optional */
        IN ULONG
        IN ULONG  SlotNumber,
        IN OUT PCM_RESOURCE_LIST *AllocatedResources

For drivers of devices connected to dynamically configurable I/O buses of a type with a published standard interface, HalAssignSlotResources determines the resource requirements of the target device, calls IoAssignResources to allocate them, sets the target device with its assigned resources, and returns the assignments to the caller.


Is the RegistryPath pointer passed in to the DriverEntry routine during initialization if the DeviceObject pointer is NULL. The buffered Unicode string is read-only, giving access to the driver-specific registry key \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\DriverName with its \Parameters subkey(s). The caller is responsible for creating and updating the RegistryPath string if it calls this routine to claim one or more sets of device-specific resources for the device(s) on a multifunction adapter at the given SlotNumber.
Points to a Unicode string that describes the class of driver under which driver-specific information should be stored in the registry. A default type of Other is used if none is given, and a new key is created in the registry if a unique name is supplied. If this pointer is nonNULL, the caller is claiming a set of resources it uses in common for the device(s) at the given SlotNumber.
Points to the driver object that was input to the DriverEntry routine.
Points to the driver-created device object representing the physical device for which the driver is attempting to claim device-specific resources. If this pointer is nonNULL, the caller usually supports more than one device on a multifunction adapter at the given SlotNumber. For each nonNULL DeviceObject, such a driver’s calls to this routine must write resource data into the registry under a unique, device-specific subkey of the RegistryPath pointer that was input to the DriverEntry routine.
Specifies the type of bus on which the device is connected. Currently, this value can be the following: PCIBus. However, additional types of dynamically configurable buses will be supported in future versions of Windows NT. The upper bound on the interface types supported is always MaximumInterfaceType.
Specifies the zero-based and system-assigned number of the bus.
Specifies the logical slot number at which the driver found its device(s) when it called HalGetBusData.
Specifies a pointer to an uninitialized pointer. If the call is successful, HalAssignSlotResources allocates a buffer, fills in the assigned resource list, and resets the embedded pointer to the start of the CM_RESOURCE_LIST buffer.

Return Value

HalAssignSlotResources returns STATUS_SUCCESS if a set of resources was claimed for the caller under the registry \ResourceMap key.


A driver cannot call this routine unless its device(s) are connected to a dynamically configurable I/O bus of a type that has a defined, publically documented, industry-standard interface. Drivers of devices that do not meet this condition can call IoAssignResources or IoReportResourceUsage instead.

The driver should save pertinent values from the AllocatedResources list so it can pass the appropriate values in calls to other configuration routines, such as HalGetInterrupt and HalGetAdapter. The caller is responsible for releasing the AllocatedResources buffer with ExFreePool.

Callers of HalAssignSlotResources must be running at IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL.

See Also

CM_RESOURCE_LIST, ExFreePool, HalGetBusData, IoAssignResources