

        IN PDEVICE_OBJECT  DeviceObject,
        IN OUT PIRP  Irp

IoCallDriver sends an IRP to the next-lower-level driver after the caller has set up the I/O stack location in the IRP for that driver.


Points to the next-lower driver’s device object, representing the target device for the requested I/O operation.
Points to the IRP.

Return Value

IoCallDriver returns the NTSTATUS value that a lower driver set in the I/O status block for the given request or STATUS_PENDING if the request was queued for additional processing.


IoCallDriver assigns the DeviceObject input parameter to the device object field of the IRP stack location for the next lower driver.

An IRP passed in a call to IoCallDriver becomes inaccessible to the higher-level driver, unless the higher-level driver has set up its IoCompletion routine for the IRP with IoSetCompletionRoutine. If it does, the IRP input to the driver-supplied IoCompletion routine has its I/O status block set by the lower driver(s) and all lower-level driver(s)’ I/O stack locations filled with zeros.

Callers of IoCallDriver must be running at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL.

See Also

IoAllocateIrp, IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest, IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest, IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest, IoSetCompletionRoutine