
        IN PVOID
        IN PVOID

TapeClassInitialize performs much of the driver and device initialization on behalf of a miniclass driver. TapeClassInitialize loads the tape class driver entry points for tape I/O requests into the miniclass driver data structure, locates and claims unclaimed SCSI tape devices that the miniclass driver supports, and allocates and initializes the OS resources for the miniclass driver and its devices. TapeClassInitialize uses miniclass-driver-specific information supplied in TapeInitData and calls back to the tape miniclass driver for driver-specific operations.


Points to driver context information that was passed to the tape miniclass driver’s DriverEntry routine. The format of the information is OS-specific and must not be interpreted by a tape miniclass driver.
Points to the second driver context structure that was passed to the tape miniclass driver’s DriverEntry routine. The format of the information is OS-specific and must not be interpreted by a tape miniclass driver.
Points to a TAPE_INIT_DATA structure containing driver-specific information such as the entry points for the tape miniclass driver’s command processing routines.

Return Value

TapeClassInitialize returns a value indicating the success or failure of the driver initialization. The tape miniclass driver passes this value, uninterpreted, as the return value from its DriverEntry routine.


A tape miniclass driver calls TapeClassInitialize from its DriverEntry routine and passes driver-specific information in TapeInitData. TapeClassInitialize performs a large part of the driver initialization on behalf of the miniclass driver and insulates the miniclass driver from OS-specific details.

TapeClassInitialize calls the tape miniclass driver for driver-specific activities required during initialization. For example, TapeClassInitialize calls the tape miniclass driver’s TapeMiniVerifyInquiry routine to determine whether the driver supports a given tape device. TapeClassInitialize also calls the tape miniclass driver’s TapeMiniExtensionInit routine to initialize the minitape extension, if the miniclass driver requested one.

A tape miniclass driver allocates a TAPE_INIT_DATA structure on the stack, clears it with TapeClassZeroMemory, fills in all the appropriate members, and passes it to TapeClassInitialize.

See Also

TAPE_INIT_DATA, DriverEntry of Tape Miniclass Driver