Chapter 4 SCSI Tape Miniclass Driver Routines

This chapter describes the required and optional routines in a tape miniclass driver. The routines are listed in alphabetical order.

A tape miniclass driver’s TapeMiniXxx routines can have any name chosen by the driver writer. DriverEntry is a required name.

The term “TapeMiniProcessCommand routines” refers to the set of tape miniclass driver routines that implement device-specific processing for device control requests. For example, TapeMiniErase and TapeMiniSetDriveParameters are TapeMiniProcessCommand routines.

The routines, structures, and constants required by a tape miniclass driver are declared in minitape.h.

For information about the SCSI tape class/miniclass architecture and designing a tape miniclass driver see the Kernel-Mode Driver Design Guide. For a description of the tape commands see the Win32® SDK documentation.