
 NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterHandle

NdisMIndicateStatusComplete notifies NDIS (or NDISWAN) that the NIC driver, which has called NdisMIndicateStatus one or more times to indicate hardware anomalies or runtime state changes in the NIC, is ready to resume normal device I/O operations.


Specifies the handle originally input to MiniportInitialize.


When a miniport calls NdisMIndicateStatusComplete, NDIS calls the ProtocolStatusComplete function(s) of bound protocol(s) that were previously notified of the immediately preceding state change(s) in the underlying NIC with calls to their ProtocolStatus functions.

A miniport eventually must call NdisMIndicateStatusComplete after it calls NdisMIndicateStatus. However, a miniport need not deliver NdisMIndicateStatusComplete indications in one-to-one correspondence with its NdisMIndicateStatus indications. It can choose to issue a single status-complete indication for several status indications that have occurred, particularly when network traffic is high.

A protocol driver writer should assume that interrupts are enabled on the NIC while the ProtocolStatusComplete function is running. A protocol driver writer also should assume that the ProtocolStatus function is re-entrant while the ProtocolStatusComplete function is running, particularly on an SMP platform.

Callers of NdisMIndicateStatusComplete run at IRQL DISPATCH_LEVEL.

See Also

MiniportInitialize, NdisMIndicateStatus, ProtocolStatusComplete