

        OUT PVOID Destination,
        IN PVOID Source,
        IN ULONG Length

NdisMoveToMappedMemory copies data from a system-space buffer to device memory that was mapped during initialization with NdisMMapIoSpace.


Specifies the base virtual address within a mapped device memory range where the copy should begin. This address must fall at least Length bytes from the end of the mapped range.
Points to a system-space buffer from which this function copies data to the destination range. This buffer must be at least Length bytes in size.
Specifies the number of bytes to copy.


A NIC driver calls NdisMoveToMappedMemory to copy data from a buffer in the host to mapped device memory, as, for example, when transferring data from a protocol-supplied buffer or miniport-allocated staging buffer to the NIC for a transmit.

Both the Source and Destination pointers are virtual addresses. The virtual range specified by Destination and Length must fall within a range that was mapped with NdisMMapIoSpace.

Callers of NdisMoveToMappedMemory can run at any IRQL when the given Source and Destination are resident. Otherwise, callers must be running at IRQL < DISPATCH_LEVEL, as, for example if the Source address is on the stack.

See Also

MiniportInitialize, NdisAllocateMemory, NdisMMapIoSpace, NdisMoveFromMappedMemory, NdisMoveMappedMemory, NdisMoveMemory, NdisReadRegisterUchar, NdisReadRegisterUlong, NdisReadRegisterUshort, NdisWriteRegisterUchar, NdisWriteRegisterUlong, NdisWriteRegisterUshort