Chapter 2 TDI IOCTLs for Transport Drivers

TDI transport drivers respond to the TDI_XXX IOCTL requests issued by their kernel-mode clients that are described here. Each IRP submitted to such a driver’s TdiDispatchInternalDeviceControl routine has the MinorFunctionCode member of the transport's I/O stack location set with one of these TDI_XXX codes.

Typically, a transport's TdiDispatchInternalDeviceControl routine switches on the TDI_XXX code to route each incoming client request to an internal driver function for further processing.

Some structures mentioned in the TDI_XXX references that follow are described in Part 2, Chapter 6. See the Kernel-Mode Driver Design Guide and Reference for more information about the internal structure of IRPs and accessible fields within file objects mentioned here.

The TDI_XXX codes described next are in alphabetic order.