This section summarizes the operators of the GUI INF script language.
The following operators are used with parentheses to perform an operation on the arguments within the parentheses.
set List = {one, two, three, four} set Item = *($(List), 3) ;sets Item to "three"
set List = {one, two, three, four} set List = >($(List), five) ; value of List is now {one, two, three, four, five}
This operator can be used to append a new item to the end of an existing list to form a new list:
set MyList = {1,2,3} set MyNewList = ($(MyList), 4) ; creates MyNewList {1,2,3,4}
[key =] value1 [, value2]*
Note that the section lines can include or omit the leading "key =", and can have multiple values separated by commas or whitespace. In the example above, key is item 0, value1 is item 1, value2 is item 2, and so on. Thus given the following [Languages] section contents:
[Languages] FRN, French ENG, English SPN, Spanish
the set commands, using the ^ operator, set the CodeList and DescList variables as follows:
set CodeList = ^(Languages, 1) ; CodeList is now {"FRN", "ENG", "SPN"} set DescList = ^(Languages, 2) ; DescList is now {"French", "English", "Spanish"}
[Languages] FRN, French ENG, English SPN, Spanish
the set command, using the # operator, sets the Language variable to Spanish.
set Language = #(Languages, C, 2)