PWCHAR ValueName,
PWCHAR ValueString,
DWORD ValueLength
The VC_ReadProfileString function reads the string value associated with the specified value name, under the driver�s \Parameters registry key.
Returns TRUE if the operation succeeds. If the ValueName string does not exist in the registry, cannot be accessed, is not a REG_SZ (string) type, or if the specified buffer is not large enough to hold the returned string, the function returns FALSE.
If the operation succeeds, the VC_ReadProfileString function copies the string value into the specified buffer.
The value name and value are read from the registry path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DriverName\Parameters, where DriverName is the driver name specified as input to VC_OpenProfileAccess.
VC_ReadProfile, VC_ReadProfileUser, VC_WriteProfile, VC_WriteProfileUser