Interrupt Simulation

The VDDSimulateInterrupt function allows a VDD to simulate a hardware interrupt to the VDM. Call this function if the application depends on an interrupt to tell it that some particular operation has been completed. For example, the application using a fax board might expect to get a particular interrupt when the board is done sending a fax. Because the VDD is notified when the fax board is done, the VDD can simulate the interrupt to the application.

When the VDD calls VDDSimulateInterrupt, the address pointed to by the interrupt vector starts running in 16-bit mode. For an asynchronous interrupt, the VDD should create another thread and call VDDSimulateInterrupt from that thread.

The VDDSimulate16 function is similar to VDDSimulateInterrupt, except it does not require a hardware interrupt to be supported by the 16-bit stub driver. VDDSimulate16 allows the VDD to execute a routine in its 16-bit driver and return when it has finished. Before calling VDDSimulate16, a VDD should preserve all the 16-bit registers its routine might destroy; minimally, it should preserve CS and IP. Then, set the CS and IP for the 16-bit routine. A VDD can also use registers such as AX or BX to pass parameters to its 16-bit routines. At the end of the 16-bit routine, VDDUnSimulate16 sends control back to the VDD. Because this simulation is synchronous, the VDD is blocked in VDDSimulate16 and returns only when the stub driver calls VDDUnSimulate16. The following code shows an example of how these calls are used:

vdd (Win32 Code):
SaveCS = getCS( );
SaveIP = getIP( );
SaveAX = getAX( );
setCS (16BitRoutineCS);
setIP (16BitRoutineIP);
VDDSimulate16( );
setCS (SaveCS);
setIP (SaveIP);
setAX (SaveAX);
. .
. .
Stub Driver (Initialization):
RegisterModule				;Loads VDD
push cs
pop ax
mov bx,offset Simulate16
DispatchCall				;passes the address of worker
                            ;routine to VDD in ax:bx
Stub Driver (Run Time)

. .
. .							;do the operation index passed in ax