1.14 Perl 5 Source Code

The Perl 5 scripting language is installed during the main Resource Kit Setup process. However, if you also want the source code and additional files for building purposes, you need only copy those files from the CD.


To install the Perl 5 source code and additional libraries:

· At the command prompt, type the following lines:

xcopy cd_driveletter:\source\perl c:\perl /s


cd \perl


Perl 5's source code should compile with your own compiler on any platform supported by Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server. With a slight alteration to the installation script, Perl 5 will also run on Windows 95. You must change the script to use COMMAND.EXE for Window 95 instead of CMD.EXE, which is used in Windows NT.


To run Perl 5, you will need a computer running Windows NT Workstation 3.5 or Windows NT

Server 3.5 or later, with at least 2 MB of disk space free. If you plan on building from the source, the amount of disk space required increases to at least 10 MB.


For the most current information on and source code for Perl 5, see:


the Perl home page on the World Wide Web.