Installing Windows 3.1 for MS-DOS Clients

You can install Windows 3.1 in similar client environments simply by creating a profile for Windows 3.1 users and installing the Windows 3.1 environment in the profile. In this way, you can add as many new clients as you need without having to install the Windows 3.1 environment with each new addition. Keep in mind, however, that all the clients sharing the profile must be similar enough to share the same startup information.

If the clients are not similar, you create personal copies of profiles. If Windows 3.1 is already installed for a profile, and you create a new personal copy of that profile, the Windows 3.1 installation is part of the new copy, and you do not have to reinstall it. If you have established a personal copy of a profile and later want to add Windows 3.1, you must add it separately for that personal copy of the profile, or delete the personal copy of the profile and create a new one from a profile that does have Windows 3.1 installed.

To support Windows 3.1 for remoteboot clients:

Installing Windows 3.1 Files on the Server

Installing Windows 3.1 files on the server makes the files easily available for client installations.

To install Windows 3.1 files on the server

1. Create an MS-DOS profile, if one does not exist. (For details, see "Setting Up and Starting the Remoteboot Service" earlier in this chapter.)

2. Boot a remoteboot client that will use Windows 3.1, and join it to the MS-DOS profile using Remoteboot Manager. (For details, see "Adding a New Client" earlier in this chapter.)


If you will use the shared Windows 3.1 profile method for similar clients, assign the client to use a profile, not a personal copy of a profile. If you will use the personal profile user method for different clients, assign the client to use a personal copy of a profile.

3. Reboot the client.

At the remoteboot logon prompt (the prompt that first appears when you start the client), supply the name and password of an account that is a member of the Administrators group on the Windows NT Server computer.

4. If the client does not have a floppy disk drive, use the floppy disk drive of a server on the network:

5. Put the Windows 3.1 Disk 1 in the floppy disk drive.

6. Run setup /a on the Windows 3.1 Disk 1 and install to C:\Win.

Windows 3.1 files are expanded and put into the <systemroot>\Rpl\Rplfiles\Binfiles\Win directory on the remoteboot server.

Continue the installation. Depending on how you want to set up profiles, proceed to "Installing Windows 3.1 for a Profile" or to "Installing Windows 3.1 for a Personal Copy of a Profile."

Installing Windows 3.1 for a Profile

When you install Windows 3.1 for a profile, all clients that share that profile use Windows 3.1. Also, if you later assign a personal copy of the profile to a client, that client uses Windows 3.1.

To install Windows 3.1 for a profile

1. Create a profile for Windows 3.1 users on the remoteboot server.

Give the profile a specific name that suggests the Windows version and the operating system associated with it. For example, D62WIN31 tells you that this profile is for MS-DOS 6.2x with Windows version 3.1.

2. In Remoteboot Manager, assign a remoteboot client to the new profile (not using a personal copy of the profile).

3. Reboot the client.

At the remoteboot logon prompt (the prompt that first appears when you start the client), supply the name and password of an account that is a member of the Administrators group on the Windows NT Server computer.

4. On the client, change to the Windows 3.1 directory by typing:

cd \win

5. On the client, run setup /n to install Windows 3.1 in C:\Windows (do not choose to upgrade any existing Windows installations). Choose the express installation.

If the client has memory trouble while running Setup, see "Configuring Memory for MS-DOS and Windows 3.1" later in this chapter.

6. Follow the instructions in the Setup program to modify the Autoexec.bat and Config.sys files.


If Setup displays an error message saying that it cannot update your system files on drive C, choose Cancel. This creates and files in the C:\Windows directory. Copy these files to C:\Autoexec.bat and C:\Config.sys, respectively.

7. Add the following lines to the end of the [386enh] section in the C:\Windows\System.ini file:

TimerCriticalSection=5000 UniqueDosPSP=True PSPIncrement=2

8. Return to the MS-DOS prompt and copy all the files and directories in C:\Windows to C:\\Win by typing:

xcopy /e c:\windows c:\\win

This makes the Windows 3.1 files available to all remoteboot clients that are joined to the profile.

If the xcopy command does not work on the client, you can copy the files from a command prompt on the server by typing the following command, all on one line:

xcopy /e c:\systemroot\rpl\rplfiles\machines\client\profile\wksta\win

where client is the name of the client and profile is the name of the profile.

9. Reboot the remoteboot client and log on.

Installing Windows 3.1 for a Personal Copy of a Profile

If you assign a personal copy of a profile (without Windows 3.1) to a client, and then later decide that you want to install Windows 3.1 for that client, you can install Windows 3.1 separately for this client. Or, delete the client account and recreate it, making a personal copy of a profile that does support Windows 3.1.

You may want to install a separate copy of Windows 3.1 for a client if the client requires customized Windows 3.1 configuration files.

To install Windows 3.1 for a personal copy of a profile

1. On the remoteboot server, assign the remoteboot client to an MS-DOS profile. Specify a personal copy of the profile.

2. Reboot the client.

At the remoteboot logon prompt (the prompt that first appears when you start the client), supply the name and password of an account that is a member of the Administrators group on the Windows NT Server computer.

3. On the client, change to the Windows 3.1 directory by typing the following:

cd \win

4. Run setup /n to install Windows 3.1 in C:\Windows (do not choose to upgrade any existing Windows installations). Choose the express installation.

If the client has memory trouble while running Setup, see "Configuring Memory for MS-DOS and Windows 3.1" later in this chapter.

5. Follow the instructions in the Setup program to modify the Autoexec.bat and Config.sys files.


If Setup displays an error message saying that it cannot update your system files on drive C, choose Cancel. This creates and files in the C:\Windows directory. Copy these files to C:\Autoexec.bat and C:\Config.sys, respectively.

6. Add the following lines to the end of the [386enh] section in the C:\Windows\System.ini file:

TimerCriticalSection=5000 UniqueDosPSP=True PSPIncrement=2

7. When the Setup program is finished, reboot the client and log on.