Configuring Memory for MS-DOS and Windows 3.1

Here are two tips for configuring the remoteboot client to use memory most efficiently while running MS-DOS version 5.0 or later, Windows 3.1 Setup, or Windows 3.1 itself.

Configuring EMM386.EXE

The Config.sys file contains a device line for Emm386.exe. This line is disabled (the line starts with REM) because you must calculate the parameters. This procedure is for a 386-based (or higher) client running MS-DOS 5.00 or later.

To configure Emm386 for more upper memory

1. Find out how much conventional memory the client has (in decimal terms) by typing mem at the MS-DOS prompt.

2. Convert this number to hexadecimal format and drop the rightmost digit. To convert, you can use the dectohex command in the <systemroot>\Rpl\Rplfiles\Binfiles\Binr directory.

3. Edit the device=Emm386.exe line in the Config.sys file.

For example, if conventional memory is 598016, the hexadecimal value is 92000. In this case, use x=9200-9FFF.


Windows 3.1 installs a device command in the Config.sys file to use Smartdrv.sys. If your Windows 3.1 client seems to be operating slowly, experiment with disabling this line. Disabling Smartdrv.sys may speed the process up by giving Windows 3.1 memory on the client rather than on a disk cache.


· Disable the device=SMARTDRV.SYS line (precede it with REM) in the client's Config.sys file.