Chapter 4 - Planning a Reliable Configuration

This chapter discusses planning what to do when failures occur from the viewpoint of:

Chapter 5, "Preparing for and Performing Recovery," discusses what information about your computers and which data on your computers you should back up. It also describes using these backups to recover from failures.

When planning an installation that includes computers running Windows NT Server and Windows NT Workstation, consider questions such as the following:

For each individual computer that is going to be using Windows NT Server or Windows NT Workstation, consider questions such as the following:

If so, should you buy fault-tolerant hardware that can be used on a computer running Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server?

Or do you want to use the fault-tolerant software features available in Windows NT Server?

Another important topic to consider is disaster planning. Have you developed and tested solutions to occurrences such as fires, floods, and power outages before a disaster occurs?