All buffers are allocated and freed by the application. If a buffer is not deferred, it need only exist for the duration of the call to a function. For example, SQLGetInfo returns the value associated with a particular option in the buffer pointed to by the InfoValuePtr argument. This buffer can be freed immediately after the call to SQLGetInfo, as shown in the following code example:
SQLCHAR *InfoValuePtr = malloc(50); // Allocate InfoValuePtr.
SQLGetInfo(hdbc, SQL_DBMS_NAME, (SQLPOINTER)InfoValuePtr, 50,
free(InfoValuePtr); // OK to free InfoValuePtr.
Because deferred buffers are specified in one function and used in another, it is an application programming error to free a deferred buffer while the driver still expects it to exist. For example, the address of the *ValuePtr buffer is passed to SQLBindCol for later use by SQLFetch. This buffer cannot be freed until the column is unbound, such as with a call to SQLBindCol or SQLFreeStmt as shown in the following code example:
// Allocate ValuePtr
SQLCHAR *ValuePtr = malloc(50);
// Bind ValuePtr to column 1. It is an error to free ValuePtr here.
SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, ValuePtr, 50, &ValueLenOrInd);
// Fetch each row of data and place the value for column 1 in *ValuePtr. Code
// to check if rc equals SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO not shown.
while ((rc = SQLFetch(hstmt)) != SQL_NO_DATA) {
// It is an error to free ValuePtr here.
// Unbind ValuePtr from column 1. It is now OK to free ValuePtr.
SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_UNBIND);
Such an error is easily made by declaring the buffer locally in a function; the buffer is freed when the application leaves the function. For example, the following code causes undefined and probably fatal behavior in the driver:
// Fetch each row of data and try to place the value for column 1 in *ValuePtr. Because
// ValuePtr has been freed, the behavior is undefined and probably fatal. Code to check
// if rc equals SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO not shown.
while ((rc = SQLFetch(hstmt)) != SQL_NO_DATA) {}
void BindAColumn(SQLHSTMT hstmt) // WARNING! This function won't work!
// Declare ValuePtr locally.
SQLCHAR ValuePtr[50];
// Bind rgbValue to column.
SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, ValuePtr, sizeof(ValuePtr), &ValueLenOrInd);
// ValuePtr is freed when BindAColumn exits.