

Version Introduced:ODBC 1.0
Standards Compliance:Deprecated


In ODBC 3.x, the ODBC 2.0 function SQLSetScrollOptions has been replaced by calls to SQLGetInfo and SQLSetStmtAttr.

Note For more information about what the Driver Manager maps this function to when an ODBC 2.x application is working with an ODBC 3.x driver, see �Mapping Deprecated Functions� in Appendix G, �Driver Guidelines for Backward Compatibility.�

Note When the Driver Manager maps SQLSetScrollOptions for an application working with an ODBC 3.x driver that does not support SQLSetScrollOptions, the Driver Manager sets the SQL_ROWSET_SIZE statement option, not the SQL_ATTR_ROW_ARRAY_SIZE statement attribute, to the RowsetSize argument in SQLSetScrollOption. As a result, SQLSetScrollOptions cannot be used by an application when fetching multiple rows by a call to SQLFetch or SQLFetchScroll. It can only be used when fetching multiple rows by a call to SQLExtendedFetch.