Dim dbsCatalog As Database, rstParts As Recordset Dim strSelect As String Set dbsCatalog = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("Catalog.mdb") strSelect = "SELECT [Part Name], Size, " _ & "[Part Type], [Part Age] AS Age FROM Parts" Set rstParts = dbsCatalog.OpenRecordset(strSelect)
'Return Part Name field in Recordset object. Debug.Print rstParts.Fields(0).Value ' Otherwise, use indirect coding. Debug.Print rstParts(0) ' Return value of Part Name field. Debug.Print rstParts![Part Name] ' Also return Part Name field value. Debug.Print rstParts![Part Type] ' Return Part Type field. Debug.Print rstParts!Age ' Return Part Age field aliased as Age.Properties AllowZeroLength Property; Attributes Property; CollatingOrder Property; DataUpdatable Property; DefaultValue Property; ForeignName Property; Name Property; OrdinalPosition Property; Required Property; Size Property; SourceField, SourceTable Properties; Type Property; V1xNullBehavior Property; ValidateOnSet Property; ValidationRule Property; ValidationText Property; Value Property. Methods AppendChunk Method, CreateProperty Method, FieldSize Method, GetChunk Method. See Also CreateField Method; Appendix, "Data Access Object Hierarchy." Specifics (Microsoft Access) In addition to the properties defined by the Microsoft Jet database engine, a Field object in the Fields collection of a QueryDef object or a TableDef object may also contain the following Microsoft Access application-defined properties. Example This example creates a TableDef object and a Field object, appends the Field to the Fields collection in the new TableDef, and appends the TableDef to the TableDefs collection in the current database. The example enumerates all the fields in the new TableDef object and all the properties of the new Field. See the methods and properties listed in the Field summary topic for additional examples.
Function EnumerateField () As Integer Dim dbsNorthwind As Database Dim tdfTest As TableDef Dim fldTest As Field Dim I As Integer Set dbsNorthwind =_ DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb") Set tdfTest = dbsNorthwind.CreateTableDef("MyTable") Set fldTest = tdfTest.CreateField("MyField", dbDate) tdfTest.Fields.Append fldTest dbsNorthwind.TableDefs.Append tdfTest ' Get database name. Debug.Print Debug.Print "Database Name: "; dbsNorthwind.Name Debug.Print ' Enumerate all fields in tdfTest. Debug.Print "TableDefs: Name; Fields: Name" For I = 0 To tdfTest.Fields.Count - 1 Debug.Print " "; tdfTest.Name;
Debug.Print "; "; tdfTest.Fields(I).Name Next I Debug.Print ' Enumerate built-in properties of fldTest. Debug.Print "fldTest.Name: "; fldTest.Name Debug.Print "AllowZeroLength: "; fldTest.AllowZeroLength Debug.Print "Attributes: "; fldTest.Attributes Debug.Print "CollatingOrder: "; fldTest.CollatingOrder Debug.Print "DefaultValue: "; fldTest.DefaultValue Debug.Print "OrdinalPosition: "; fldTest.OrdinalPosition Debug.Print "Required: "; fldTest.Required Debug.Print "Size: "; fldTest.Size Debug.Print "SourceField: "; fldTest.SourceField Debug.Print "SourceTable: "; fldTest.SourceTable Debug.Print "Type: "; fldTest.Type Debug.Print "ValidationRule: "; fldTest.ValidationRule Debug.Print "ValidationText: "; fldTest.ValidationText EnumerateField = True End FunctionExample (Microsoft Access) The following example creates a new Field object, sets some of its properties, and appends it to the Fields collection of a TableDef object. The procedure then enumerates all fields in the Fields collection of the TableDef object.
Sub NewField() Dim dbs As Database, tdf As TableDef Dim fld As Field ' Return Database variable that points to current database. Set dbs = CurrentDb Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs!Employees ' Create new Field object. Set fld = tdf.CreateField("SSN#") ' Set Type and Size properties of Field object. fld.Type = dbText fld.Size = 11 ' Append field. tdf.Fields.Append fld ' Enumerate all fields in Fields collection of TableDef object. For Each fld in tdf.Fields Debug.Print fld.Name Next fld End Sub