


Specifies which grouped records are displayed in a SELECT statement with a GROUP BY clause. After GROUP BY combines records, HAVING displays any records grouped by the GROUP BY clause that satisfy the conditions of the HAVING clause.


SELECT fieldlist
FROM table
WHERE selectcriteria
GROUP BY groupfieldlist
HAVING groupcriteria

A SELECT statement containing a HAVING clause has these parts.




The name of the field or fields to be retrieved along with any field-name aliases, SQL aggregate functions, selection predicates (ALL, DISTINCT, DISTINCTROW, or TOP), or other SELECT statement options.


The name of the table from which records are retrieved. For more information, see the FROM clause.


Selection criteria. If the statement includes a WHERE clause, the Microsoft Jet database engine groups values after applying the WHERE conditions to the records.


The names of up to 10 fields used to group records. The order of the field names in groupfieldlist determines the grouping levels from the highest to the lowest level of grouping.


An expression that determines which grouped records to display.


HAVING is optional.

HAVING is similar to WHERE, which determines which records are selected. After records are grouped with GROUP BY, HAVING determines which records are displayed:

SELECT CategoryID,Sum(UnitsIn Stock)
FROM Products
HAVING Sum(UnitsIn Stock) > 100 AND LIKE BOS*;
A HAVING clause can contain up to 40 expressions linked by logical operators, such as And and Or.

See Also

GROUP BY Clause, SELECT Statement, SELECT...INTO Statement, SQL Aggregate Functions.


Some of the following examples assume the existence of a hypothetical Department field in an Employees table.

This example selects the job titles in the Production department assigned to more than 50 employees.

SELECT Title, Count(Title) FROM Employees 
WHERE Department = 'Production' GROUP BY Title HAVING Count(Title) > 50;
This example selects departments with more than 100 employees.

SELECT Department, Count([Department]) FROM Employees 
GROUP BY Department HAVING Count(Department) > 100;