DMin, DMax Functions


You can use the DMin and DMax functions to determine the minimum and maximum values in a specified set of records (domain). Use DMin and DMax in a macro or module, in a query expression, or in a calculated control.

For example, you could use DMin and DMax in calculated controls on a report to display the greatest and least order amounts for a particular customer. Or you could use DMin in a query expression to display all orders with a discount greater than the minimum possible discount.


DMin(expr, domain[, criteria])DMax(expr, domain[, criteria])

The DMin and DMax functions use the following arguments.

Argument Description
expr Expression that identifies the field for which you want to find the minimum or maximum value. It can be a string expression identifying a field in a table or query, or it can be an expression that performs a calculation on data in that field. You can include in expr the name of a table field, a control on a form, a constant, or a function. If expr includes a function, it can be either built-in or user-defined, but not another domain aggregate or SQL aggregate function.
domain String expression identifying the set of records that constitutes the domain. It can be a table name or a query name.
criteria Optional string expression used to restrict the range of data on which DMin or DMax is performed. For example, criteria is often equivalent to the WHERE clause in an SQL expression, without the word WHERE. If criteria is omitted, DMin and DMax evaluate expr against the entire domain. Any field included in criteria must also be a field in domain, otherwise DMin and DMax returns a Null.


DMin and DMax find the least and greatest value in the field or expression defined by expr from the table or query referred to by domain, according to any restrictions specified by criteria.

DMin and DMax return the minimum and maximum values that satisfy criteria. If expr identifies numeric data, DMin and DMax return numeric values. If expr identifies string data, they return the string that is first or last alphabetically.

DMin and DMax ignore Null values in the field referenced by expr. However, if no record satisfies criteria or if domain contains no records, DMin and DMax return a Null.

Whether you use DMin or DMax in a macro or module, a query expression, or a calculated control, you must construct the criteria argument carefully to ensure that it will be evaluated correctly.

You can use DMin and DMax to specify criteria in the Criteria row of a query, in a calculated field expression in a query, or in the Update To row of an update query.

Note You can use DMin and DMax or Min and Max in a calculated field expression in a totals query. If you use DMin or DMax, values are evaluated before the data is grouped. If you use Min or Max, the data is grouped before values in the field expression are evaluated.

Use DMin or DMax in a calculated control when you need to specify criteria to restrict the range of data on which the function is performed. For example, to display the maximum freight charged for an order shipped to California, set the ControlSource property of a text box to the following expression.

=DMax("[Freight]", "Orders", "[ShipRegion] = 'CA'")

If you simply want to find the minimum or maximum value of all records in domain, use the Min or Max function.

You can use DMin or DMax in a module or macro or in a calculated control on a form if the field that you need to display is not in the record source on which your form is based.

Tip Although you can use DMin or DMax to find the minimum or maximum value from a field in a foreign table, it may be more efficient to create a query that contains the fields that you need from both tables, and base your form or report on that query.

Note Unsaved changes to records in domain are not included when you use these functions. If you want the DMax or DMin function to be based on the changed values, you must first save the changes by choosing the Save Record command from the File menu, moving the focus to another record, or using the Update method.

See Also

Domain Aggregate Functions.


This example returns the lowest and highest values from the Freight field for orders shipped to the United Kingdom. The domain is an Orders table. The criteria argument restricts the resulting set of records to those for which ShipCountry equals UK.

Dim curX As Currency, curY As Currency= DMin("[Freight]", "Orders", "[ShipCountry] = 'UK'")= DMax("[Freight]", "Orders", "[ShipCountry] = 'UK'")

In the next example, the criteria argument includes the current value of a text box called OrderDate. The text box is bound to an OrderDate field in an Orders table. Note that the reference to the control is not included in the double quotation marks (") that denote the strings. This ensures that each time the DMax function is called, Microsoft Access obtains the current value from the control.

Dim curX As Currency= DMax("[Freight]", "Orders", "[OrderDate] = #" _
    & Forms!Orders!OrderDate & "#")

In the next example, the criteria expression includes a variable, dteOrderDate. Note that number signs (#) are included in the string expression, so that when the strings are concatenated, they will enclose the date.

Dim dteOrderDate As Date, curX As Currency= #3/30/95#= DMin("[Frieght]", "Orders", _
    "[OrderDate] = #" & dteOrderDate & "#")