GridX, GridY Properties

Applies To

Form, Report.


You can use the GridX and GridY properties to specify the horizontal and vertical divisions of the alignment grid in form Design view or report Design view.


Enter an integer for the number of subdivisions per unit of measurement. If the measurement system is U.S., the default setting is 24 for the GridX property (horizontal) and 24 for the GridY property (vertical).

You can set this property in the property sheet, a macro, or Visual Basic.

In Visual Basic, you set this property using a numeric expression


The GridX and GridY properties provide control over the placement and alignment of objects on a form or report. You can adjust the grid for greater or lesser precision. To see the grid, click Grid on the View menu. If the setting for either the GridX or GridY properties is greater than 24, the grid points disappear from view.