MoveSize Action


You can use the MoveSize action to move or resize the active window.


The MoveSize action uses the following arguments.

Action argument



The new horizontal position of the window’s upper-left corner, measured from the left edge of its containing window.


The new vertical position of the window’s upper-left corner, measured from the top edge of its containing window.


The window’s new width.


The window’s new height.

If you leave an argument blank, Microsoft Access uses the window’s current setting.

You must enter a value for at least one argument.

Note Each measurement is in inches or centimeters, depending on the units set for Measurement system in the Number tab of the Regional Settings Properties dialog box in the Microsoft Windows Control Panel.


This action is similar to clicking Move or Size on the window’s Control menu. With the menu commands, you use the keyboard’s arrow keys to move or resize the window. With the MoveSize action, you enter the position and size measurements directly. You can also use the mouse to move and size windows.

You can use this action on any window, in any view.

Note Tips

  • To move a window without resizing it, enter values for Right and Down argument but leave Width and Height arguments blank.
  • To resize a window without moving it, enter values for Width and Height arguments but leave Right and Down arguments blank.

To run the MoveSize action in Visual Basic, use the MoveSize method of the DoCmd object.

See Also

Event Properties, MoveSize Method, Resize Event, Restore Action, SelectObject Action.