

SQLQueryRetrieve(ConnectNum, Column, DataVar$, DataSize)


Assigns to the DataVar$ variable the data in the specified Column of the current row (the row where SQLQueryFetch or SQLSetRowPos positioned the cursor) of the query result. To use SQLQueryRetrieve, a macro must have already established a connection using SQLOpen. Also, a query must have already been executed using SQLQueryExec, and results must be pending.

You cannot use SQLQueryRetrieve to return data from a query executed by SQLExecQuery.


SQLQueryRetrieve assigns the data to the characters in DataVar$, up to the number of characters specified by DataSize. If the number of characters assigned to DataVar$ before it is used by SQLQueryRetrieve is less than DataSize, SQLQueryRetrieve may cause memory errors.

To avoid memory errors, the macro must ensure that the value of DataVar$ is at least DataSize characters long before it is used in a SQLQueryRetrieve instruction.




The unique connection ID for a data source. The data source specified must have pending query results. If ConnectNum is not valid, SQLQueryExec would have returned an error value. In such a case, SQLQueryRetrieve places error information in memory for the error functions, if such information is available.


The number of a column in the data source from which to retrieve data. Use SQLRetrieveColumns to determine the valid range of values. If the column value is out of range, SQLQueryRetrieve returns 0 (zero) and places the error information in memory for the error functions.


The variable to which SQLQueryRetrieve assigns the data, up to the number of characters specified by DataSize. Before the SQLQueryRetrieve instruction is run, the value of DataVar$ must be at least DataSize characters long. Otherwise, memory errors may occur.


Specifies the width of the data at Column. To determine the value for DataSize, use SQLRetrieveColSize. If the length of the data in Column exceeds DataSize, SQLQueryRetrieve truncates the data.

If the data cannot be returned successfully, SQLQueryRetrieve returns 0 (zero) or a negative error value.


The following example uses a While...Wend loop to return the data in each column of each row in the pending data source with SQLQueryRetrieve so it can be processed.

cols = SQLRetrieveColumns(connect_no)
ret = SQLQueryFetch(connect_no)
While ret = 1
    For i = 1 To cols
        storsize = SQLRetrieveColSize(connect_no, i)
        stor$ = String$(storsize, 50)
        SQLQueryRetrieve(connect_no, i, stor$, storsize)
        ' Statement block that processes the value of stor$
    Next i
ret = SQLQueryFetch(connect_no)