Other Resources

The resources described in this section provide additional information about Word macros and programming with WordBasic.

Microsoft Product Support Services

Microsoft offers a variety of support options to help you get the most from your Microsoft product. For more information about Microsoft Product Support Services, see "Technical Support" in Help.

If you have questions concerning programming techniques and solutions, refer to the following electronic services. These services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays.

The Microsoft Network

In Word version 7.0, you can use The Microsoft Network™ to interact with other users or access the Microsoft Knowledge Base to get product information. From the Help menu, choose The Microsoft Network. Select where you want to go, and then choose Connect.

CompuServe, America Online, and GEnie

The Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) and Microsoft Software Library (MSL) are available on the CompuServe®, America Online®, and GEnie™ information services. CompuServe also hosts Microsoft forums where you can interact with other users and Microsoft support personnel.




To access the Microsoft Knowledge Base, type go mskb at any ! prompt.

To access the Microsoft Software Library, type go msl at any ! prompt.

To access Microsoft forums, type go microsoft at any ! prompt.

America Online

To access the Microsoft Knowledge Base, click Keyword on the Go To menu, type microsoft in the Enter Word(s) box, and then click Go. In the Microsoft Resource Center, click Knowledge Base.


To access the Microsoft Knowledge Base, type m505 at the GEnie system prompt.


Access the Microsoft Software Library (MSL) and the Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) at any of the following Internet sites:

The KB at the World Wide Web and Gopher sites provides full-text searches and automatic links to files on the MSL so you can download files directly from KB articles.

Microsoft Download Service

(206) 936-6735 via modem. Access the Driver Library and the most current technical notes (1200, 2400, 9600, or 14,400 baud; no parity; 8 data bits; 1 stop bit).

Product Training and Consultation

Microsoft Solution Providers are independent organizations that provide consulting, integration, customization, development, technical support and training, and other services for Microsoft products. These companies are called Solution Providers because they apply technology and provide services to help solve real-world problems.

To find out more about Microsoft Solution Providers:


Learn Basic Now, Michael Halvorson and David Rygmyr (Microsoft Press®, 1989) and Learn Basic for the Apple Macintosh Now, Michael Halvorson and David Rygmyr (Microsoft Press, 1990). If you have little or no experience with a programming language, these books may be a helpful starting point. They use the Microsoft QuickBasic programming language, on which WordBasic was modeled. ISBN 155615240X and ISBN 1556153147

Hacker's Guide to Word for Windows (2nd ed.), Woody Leonhard, Vincent Chen, and Scott Krueger (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1994). An insider's guide to Word and WordBasic. ISBN 0201407639