

DrawAlign [.Horizontal = number] [, .Vertical = number] [, .RelativeTo = number]


Aligns the selected drawing objects. The arguments for the Align statement correspond to the options in the Align dialog box (Align Drawing Objects button, Drawing toolbar).




Specifies a horizontal alignment:

0 (zero) None; existing horizontal positions are preserved

1 Left

2 Center

3 Right


Specifies a vertical alignment:

0 (zero) None; existing vertical positions are preserved

1 Top

2 Center

3 Bottom


Specifies what the objects are aligned with:

0 (zero) Each other

1 Page


This example left-aligns all drawing objects within the current paragraph. Using the predefined bookmark "\Para," DrawSetRange sets the drawing object range to the paragraph containing the insertion point. For more information about predefined bookmarks, see "Operators and Predefined Bookmarks" later in this part.

DrawSetRange "\Para"
For count = 1 To DrawCount()
    DrawExtendSelect count
Next count
DrawAlign .Horizontal = 1, .Vertical = 0, .RelativeTo = 0

See Also

DrawCount(), DrawExtendSelect, DrawSelect, DrawSetRange, FormatDrawingObject