

InsertTableOfAuthorities [.Replace = number] [, .Passim = number] [, .KeepFormatting = number] [, .Category = number]


Collects citations from TA (Table of Authorities Entry) fields and inserts a TOA (Table of Authorities) field at the insertion point.




Specifies whether to replace a previously compiled table of authorities:

0 (zero) or omitted The existing table of authorities is not replaced (the instruction has no effect other than selecting the field result).

1 The existing table of authorities is replaced.


If 1, Word replaces five or more different page references to the same authority with "passim."


If 1, Word retains the formatting of long citations.


A number corresponding to an item in the Category box that specifies the type of citations to collect: 0 (zero) corresponds to the first item ("All"), 1 corresponds to the second item, and so on.

See Also

InsertTableOfContents, InsertTableOfFigures, MarkCitation