Author Property

Applies To

AddIn Object, Workbook Object.


Returns or sets the author of the object, as a string. Read-only for AddIn, read-write for Workbook.


In Microsoft Excel for Windows 95, this property has been replaced by a built-in OLE document property. For more information about OLE document properties, see BuiltinDocumentProperties.

You cannot use this property with an AddIn object that represents an XLL file or an add-in that was created with the Microsoft Excel 4.0 macro language.

See Also

Comments Property, Keywords Property, Subject Property, Title Property.


This example displays the author and name of the Solver add-in.

Set a = AddIns("Solver Add-In")
MsgBox a.Author & " authored the add-in " & a.Name

This example sets the author of the active workbook.

ActiveWorkbook.Author = "Anonymous"