DialogFrame Object


Represents the dialog frame. The dialog frame provides the backdrop for user-defined dialog boxes. It has no formatting properties, only a position, a size, and a caption. Only one dialog frame exists per dialog sheet, and it cannot be deleted or moved in front of any other graphic object. Dialog frames do not exist on worksheets.


The DialogFrame property returns the dialog frame for the dialog sheet. The following example adds a new check box to the dialog sheet named "Dialog1." The new check box is positioned relative to the upper-left corner of the dialog frame.

Dim df as DialogFrame
Set df = ActiveSheet.DialogFrame
ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes.Add df.Left + 10, df.Top + 10, 100, 10


When a dialog sheet is first shown, Microsoft Excel runs any procedure assigned to the OnAction property for the dialog frame.

The position of the dialog frame on the dialog sheet does not affect where the custom dialog is positioned when it is shown in a modal window. There is no way to set a custom position for the running dialog frame.


Application Property, Caption Property, Creator Property, Height Property, Left Property, Locked Property, LockedText Property, Name Property, OnAction Property, Parent Property, Text Property, Top Property, Width Property.


Characters Method, CheckSpelling Method, CopyPicture Method, Select Method.