DownBars Object


Represents the down bars in a chart group. Down bars connect points on series one with lower values on the last series in the chart group (the lines go down from series one). Only 2-D line groups that contain at least two series can have down bars. There is no singular DownBar object; you must turn up bars and down bars on or off for all points in a chart group at once.


The DownBars property returns the down bars for a chart group. The following example turns on up and down bars for chart group one in embedded chart one on the worksheet named "Sheet5." The example then sets the up bar color to blue and the down bar color to red.

With Worksheets("sheet5").ChartObjects(1).Chart.ChartGroups(1)
    .HasUpDownBars = True
    .UpBars.Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
    .DownBars.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
End With


If the HasUpDownBars property is False, most properties of the DownBars object are disabled.


Application Property, Border Property, Creator Property, Interior Property, Name Property, Parent Property.


Delete Method, Select Method.

See Also

UpBars Object.