Represents an edit box on a dialog sheet (edit boxes cannot be used on worksheets). Edit boxes allow the user to enter text or numbers. Unlike other controls, edit boxes do not have a Value property or a LinkedCell property. An edit box on a dialog sheet can be linked to a list box to form a combination list edit box, using the LinkCombo method or the Combination List Edit Box button on the Forms toolbar.
The EditBox object is a member of the EditBoxes collection. The EditBoxes collection contains all the EditBox objects on a single sheet. Use the Add method to create a new edit box and add it to the collection.
To access a single member of the collection, use the EditBoxes method with the edit box name or index number as an argument.
The following example sets the text appearing in edit box one on the dialog sheet named "Dialog1."
DialogSheets("dialog1").EditBoxes(1).Text = "widgets"
The edit box name is shown in the Name Box when the edit box is selected. Use the Name property to set or return the edit box name. The following example sets the allowed input type for the edit box named "Edit Box 14" on the dialog sheet named "Dialog1."
DialogSheets("dialog1").EditBoxes("edit box 14").InputType = xlInteger
Application Property, BottomRightCell Property, Caption Property, Creator Property, DisplayVerticalScrollBar Property, Enabled Property, Height Property, Index Property, InputType Property, Left Property, LinkedObject Property, Locked Property, MultiLine Property, Name Property, OnAction Property, Parent Property, PasswordEdit Property, Placement Property, PrintObject Property, Text Property, Top Property, TopLeftCell Property, Visible Property, Width Property, ZOrder Property.
BringToFront Method, Characters Method, Copy Method, CopyPicture Method, Cut Method, Delete Method, Duplicate Method, Select Method, SendToBack Method.
See Also
TextBox Object