Enabled Property

Applies To

Arc Object, Arcs Collection, Button Object, Buttons Collection, ChartObject Object, ChartObjects Collection, CheckBox Object, Drawing Object, DrawingObjects Collection, Drawings Collection, DropDown Object, DropDowns Collection, EditBox Object, EditBoxes Collection, GroupBox Object, GroupBoxes Collection, GroupObject Object, GroupObjects Collection, Label Object, Labels Collection, Line Object, Lines Collection, ListBox Object, ListBoxes Collection, Menu Object, MenuItem Object, OLEObject Object, OLEObjects Collection, OptionButton Object, OptionButtons Collection, Oval Object, Ovals Collection, Picture Object, Pictures Collection, Rectangle Object, Rectangles Collection, ScrollBar Object, ScrollBars Collection, Spinner Object, Spinners Collection, TextBox Object, TextBoxes Collection, ToolbarButton Object.


True if the control, drawing object, or menu item is enabled. Read-write, except for Menu, which is write-only.


A disabled menu item is gray. A disabled toolbar button beeps when it is pressed.

See Also

Pushed Property.


This example disables all buttons on the Standard toolbar that have custom images.

For Each btn In Application.Toolbars("Standard").ToolbarButtons
    If (Not btn.BuiltInFace And Not btn.IsGap) Then
        btn.Enabled = False
    End If
Next btn