Renames a disk file, directory, or folder.
Name oldpathname As newpathname
The Name statement syntax has these parts:
Part |
Description |
oldpathname |
String expression that specifies the existing file name and location — may include directory or folder, and drive. |
newpathname |
String expression that specifies the new file name and location — may include directory or folder, and drive. The file specified by newpathname can't already exist. |
Both newpathname and oldpathname must be on the same drive. If the path in newpathname exists and is different from the path in oldpathname, the Name statement moves the file to the new directory or folder and renames the file, if necessary. If newpathname and oldpathname have different paths and the same file name, Name moves the file to the new location and leaves the file name unchanged. Using Name, you can move a file from one directory or folder to another, but you can't move a directory or folder.
Name supports the use of '*' (multiple character) and '?' (single character) wildcards. However, on the Macintosh, these characters are treated as valid file name characters and can't be used as wildcards to specify multiple files.
Using Name on an open file produces an error. You must close an open file before renaming it.
See Also
Kill Statement.
This example uses the Name statement to rename a file. For purposes of this example, assume that the directories or folders that are specified already exist.
OldName = "OLDFILE" : NewName = "NEWFILE" ' Define file names. Name OldName As NewName ' Rename file. ' In Microsoft Windows. OldName = "C:\MYDIR\OLDFILE" : NewName = "C:\YOURDIR\NEWFILE" Name OldName As NewName ' Move and rename file. ' On the Macintosh. OldName = "HD:MY FOLDER:OLDFILE" : NewName = "HD:YOUR FOLDER:NEWFILE" Name OldName As NewName ' Move and rename file.