NavigateArrow Method

Applies To

Range Object.


Navigates a tracer arrow for the specified range to the precedent, dependent, or error-causing cell or cells. Selects the precedent, dependent, or error cell and returns a Range object that represents the new selection. This method causes an error if applied to a cell without visible tracer arrows.


object.NavigateArrow(towardPrecedent, arrowNumber, linkNumber)


Required. The Range object.


Required. Specifies the direction to navigate (True to navigate toward precedents or False to navigate toward dependents).


Required. Specifies the arrow number to navigate, corresponding to the numbered reference in the cell's formula.


Optional. If the arrow is an external reference arrow, this argument indicates which external reference to follow. If this argument is omitted, the first external reference is followed.


This example navigates along the first tracer arrow from cell A1 on Sheet1 toward the precedent cell. The example should be run on a worksheet containing a formula in cell A1 that uses cells D1, D2, and D3 (for example, the formula =D1*D2*D3). Before running the example, display the auditing toolbar, select cell A1, and choose the Trace Precedents button.

ActiveCell.NavigateArrow True, 1