Reset Method

Applies To

MenuBar Object, RoutingSlip Object, Toolbar Object, ToolbarButton Object.


Restores the built-in menu bar or toolbar to its original default configuration. Resets a toolbar button to its original face.

Resets the routing slip so that a new routing can be initiated with the same slip (using the same recipient list and delivery information). The routing must be completed before you use this method. Using this method at other times causes an error.




Required. The object to which this method applies.


Be careful when you reset a menu bar or toolbar-other macros may have added menu items or buttons, and resetting the menu bar or toolbar will remove those as well. To avoid conflicting with other macros, remove the menu items or buttons your macro has added without resetting the menu bar or toolbar.

This method cannot be used with a toolbar button that is a gap or a toolbar button that has a palette or list attached (such as the Font or Style buttons).


This example resets the routing slip for BOOK1.XLS if routing is complete.

With Workbooks("BOOK1.XLS").RoutingSlip
    If .Status = xlRoutingComplete Then
        MsgBox "Cannot reset routing; not yet complete"
    End If
End With