Macro Sheets Only

Writes text to a file, starting at the current position in that file. (For more information about a file's position, see FPOS.) If FWRITE can't write to the file, it returns the #N/A error value.


FWRITE(file_num, text)

File_num is the unique ID number of the file you want to write data to. File_num is returned by a previously executed FOPEN function. If file_num is not valid, FWRITE returns the #VALUE! error value.

Text is the text you want to write to the file.


The following function writes the current month to the open file identified as FileNumber:

FWRITE(FileNumber, TEXT(MONTH(NOW()),"mmmm"))

Related Functions

FOPEN Opens a file with the type of permission specified

FPOS Sets the position in a text file

FREAD Reads characters from a text file

FWRITELN Writes a line to a text file

List of DDE/External Functions