Macro Sheets Only

Directs a macro to continue running at the upper-left cell of reference. Use GOTO to direct macro execution to another cell or a named range.



Reference is a cell reference or a name that is defined as a reference. Reference can be an external reference to another macro sheet. If that macro sheet is not open, GOTO displays a message.

Tip It's often preferable to use IF, ELSE, ELSE.IF, and END.IF instead of GOTO when you want to perform multiple actions based on a condition because the IF method makes your macros more structured.


If A1 contains the #N/A error value, then when the following formula is calculated, the macro branches to C3:

IF(ISERROR($A$1), GOTO($C$3), )

You can also use macro names with GOTO statements. The following macro formula branches macro execution to a macro named Compile:


Because Compile is a named range, it should not be enclosed in quotation marks.

Related Function

FORMULA.GOTO Selects a named area or reference on any open document

List of Control Functions