Macro Sheets Only

Equivalent to choosing the Run button in the Macro dialog box, which appears when you choose the Macro command from the Tools menu. Runs a macro.


RUN(reference, step)
RUN?(reference, step)

Reference is a reference to the macro you want to run or a number from 1 to 4 specifying an Auto macro to run.

If reference is Specifies

1 All Auto_Open macros on the active workbook

2 All Auto_Close macros

3 All Auto_Activate macros

4 All Auto_Deactivate macros

Step is a logical value specifying that the macro is to be run in single-step mode. If step is TRUE, Microsoft Excel runs the macro in single-step mode; if FALSE or omitted, Microsoft Excel runs the macro normally.


Related Functions

GOTO Directs macro execution to another cell

List of Command-Equivalent Functions