Macro Sheets Only

Enables or disables a custom command or menu. Disabled commands appear dimmed and can't be chosen. Use ENABLE.COMMAND to control which commands the user can choose in a menu bar.


ENABLE.COMMAND(bar_num, menu, command, enable, subcommand)

Bar_num is the menu bar in which a command resides. Bar_num can be the number of a built-in menu bar or the number returned by a previously run ADD.BAR function. See ADD.COMMAND for a list of the built-in menu bar numbers.

Menu is the menu on which the command resides. Menu can be either the name of a menu as text or the number of a menu. Menus are numbered starting with 1 from the left of the screen.

Command is the command you want to enable or disable. Command can be either the name of the command as text or the number of the command. The top command on a menu is command 1. If command is 0, ENABLE.COMMAND enables or disables the entire menu.

Enable is a logical value specifying whether the command should be enabled or disabled. If enable is TRUE, Microsoft Excel enables the command; if FALSE, it disables the command.

Subcommand is the name of the command on a submenu that you want to enable. If you use subcommand, you must use command as the name of the submenu. Use subcommand 0 to enable an entire submenu.



The following macro formula disables a custom command that had been added previously to the View menu on the worksheet and macro sheet menu bar:

ENABLE.COMMAND(10, "View", "Audit...", FALSE)

Related Functions

ADD.COMMAND Adds a command to a menu

CHECK.COMMAND Adds or deletes a check mark to or from a command

DELETE.COMMAND Deletes a command from a menu

RENAME.COMMAND Changes the name of a command or menu

List of Customizing Functions