Macro Sheets Only

Equivalent to choosing the Scenarios command from the Tools menu and then choosing the Edit button.


SCENARIO.EDIT(scen_name, new_scenname, value_array, changing_ref, scen_comment, locked, hidden)
SCENARIO.EDIT?(scen_name, new_scenname, value_array, changing_ref, scen_comment, locked, hidden)

Scen_name is the name of the scenario that you want to edit.

New_scenname is the new name you want to give to the scenario.

Value_array is a horizontal array of values that you want to use for the scenario.

Changing_ref is a reference to cells you want to define as changing cells for a scenario.

Scen_comment is text specifying a descriptive comment for the scenario you want to edit.

Locked is a logical value that corresponds to the Prevent Changes check box in the Add or Edit Scenario dialogs boxes. If TRUE or omitted , prevents users from changing values in a scenario. If FALSE, users are allowed to make changes to the scenario. The locking will not become enabled until the sheet is protected with the Protect Sheet command from the Protection submenu on the Tools menu.

Hidden is a logical value that corresponds to the Hide check box in the Add or Edit Scenario dialog boxes. If TRUE, the scenario will be hidden from view from the users. If FALSE or omitted, the scenario will remain unhidden. The scenario will not become hidden until the sheet is hidden with the Hide command from the Window menu.

Related Function

SCENARIO.GET Returns the specified information about the scenarios defined on your worksheet

SCENARIO.ADD Equivalent to choosing the Scenario Manager command from the Tools menu and then choosing the Add button

SCENARIO.DELETE Equivalent to choosing the Scenario Manager command from the Tools menu and then selecting a scenario and choosing the Delete button

List of Command-Equivalent Functions