Macro Sheets Only

Equivalent to choosing the Mailer button when mailer is attached to the current document. Allows you to edit a PowerTalk mailer attached to the active document

Note This function is available on Macintosh computers with Microsoft Excel and Apple PowerTalk only.


MAIL.EDIT.MAILER(to_recipients, cc_recipients, bcc_recipients, subject, enclosures, which_address)
(to_recipients, cc_recipients, bcc_recipients, subject, enclosures, which_address)

To_recipients is the name of the person to whom you want to send the mail. The name should be given as text. To specify more than one name, give the list of names as an array.

Cc_recipients is the name of those recipients to be carbon copied. A single name should be given as text. To specify more than one name, give the list of names as an array.

Bcc_recipients is the name of the recipients to be added as blind carbon copies.

Subject is a text string containing the subject text for the mail messages.

Enclosures is an array of strings specifying enclosures as file names.

Which_address indicates which type of address to use, as a text string, specifying the address type for all recipients. For example, "Fax".


If there is no mailer, returns the #VALUE! error value.

Related Functions

MAIL.DELETE.MAILER Adds a new PowerTalk mailer to the active document

MAIL.ADD.MAILER Adds a new PowerTalk mailer to the active document

List of Command-Equivalent Functions