Macro Sheets Only
Returns information about the structure of the data source on a particular connection. The return value from a successful call to SQL.GET.SCHEMA depends on the type of information that was requested. A list of the accepted requests and their respective return values is listed in the syntax section below.
If this function is not available, you must install the Microsoft ODBC add-in (XLODBC.XLA).
SQL.GET.SCHEMA(connection_num, type_num, qualifier_text)
Connection_num is the unique connection ID of the data source you want information about.
Type_num specifies the type of information you want returned. The following is a list of valid type_num values.
Type_num Returns
1 A list of available data sources, as a vertical array.
2 A list of databases on the current connection, as a vertical array .
3 A list of owners in a database on the current connection, as a vertical array.
4 A list of tables for a given owner and database on the current connection, as a vertical array.
5 A list of columns in a particular table and their data types, as a two-dimensional array. The returned array will have two fields and will have a row for each column in the table. The first field will be the name of the column. The second field is the data type of the column. The data type will be a number that corresponds to the ODBC C header file data types. These #define numbers are found in Microsoft Excel ODBC Developer Guide.
6 User ID of the current user
7 Name of the current database.
8 The name of the data source as given in the ODBC.INI file.
9 The name of the data source DBMS (i.e. Oracle, SQL Server, etc.).
10 The server name for the data source.
11 The terminology used by the data source to refer to owners ( i.e. "owner", "Authorization ID", "Schema", etc.).
12 The terminology used by the data source to refer to tables ( i.e. "table", "file", etc.).
13 The terminology used by the data source to refer to qualifiers (i.e. "database" or "directory").
14 The terminology used by the data source to refer to procedures (i.e. "database procedure", "stored procedure", or "procedure").
Qualifier_text is only included for type_num values of 3, 4 and 5. It is a text string used to qualify the search for the requested information and should be enclosed by quotation marks.
Type_num Qualifier_text
3 The value of qualifier_text should be the name of a database in the current data source. SQL.GET.SCHEMA will then only return the names of table owners in that database.
4 The value of qualifier_text should be both a database name and an owner name. The syntax of qualifier_text is "DatabaseName.OwnerName". A period is used to separate the two names. SQL.GET.SCHEMA will then return an array of table names that are located in the given database and owned by the given owner.
5 The value of qualifier_text should be the name of a table. Information about the columns in that table will be returned.
SQL.GET.SCHEMA(conn1,7) returns the name of the current database.
SQL.GET.SCHEMA(conn1,9) returns the name of the DBMS used by the data source.
Related Functions
SQL.OPEN Establishes a connection with a data source
SQL.EXEC.QUERY Sends a query to a data source
SQL.BIND Specifies storage for a result column
SQL.RETRIEVE.TO.FILE Retrieves query results and places them in a file
SQL.RETRIEVE Retrieves query results
SQL.CLOSE Closes a data source connection
SQL.ERROR Returns detailed error information
List of Command-Equivalent Functions