Macro Sheets Only

Equivalent to choosing the Object command from the Format menu when an edit box is selected on a worksheet or dialog sheet. Sets the properties of the scroll bar and spinner button.


SCROLLBAR.PROPERTIES(value, min, max, inc, page, link, 3d_shading)
SCROLLBAR.PROPERTIES?(value, min, max, inc, page, link, 3d_shading)

Value is the value of the control, and can range from min to max, inclusive. It designates where the scroll bar button is positioned along the scroll bar.

Min is a number specifying the minimum value that the scroll bar can have. This number ranges from 0 to 30,000, but cannot be greater than the maximum value given in max.

Max is a number specifying the maximum value that the scroll bar can have. This number ranges from 0 to 30,000.

Inc is a number specifying the increment that the value is adjusted by when the scrollbar arrow is clicked.

Page is a number specifying the increment that the value is adjusted by when the page scroll region of a scroll bar is clicked.

Link is the cell on the macro sheet to which the scroll bar value is linked. Whenever the scroll bar control is changed, the value of the control is entered into the cell. Similarly, whenever the value in the cell is changed, the setting for the scroll bar is also changed. To clear the link, set this value to an empty string.

3d_shading is a logical value that specifies whether the scroll bar or spinner button appears as 3-D. If TRUE, the scroll bar or spinner button will appear as 3-D. If FALSE or omitted, the scroll bar or spinner button will not be 3-D. The argument is available for only worksheets.

Related Functions

PUSHBUTTON.PROPERTIES Sets the properties of the push button control

EDITBOX.PROPERTIES Sets the properties of an edit box on a worksheet or dialog sheet

List of Customizing Functions