Frequently Asked Questions About Office Compatible 97

What is Office Compatible?

Office Compatible is a program through which Microsoft shares Office features with other software developers. Every developer who receives this toolkit is welcome to include the Office Compatible features in their products. Most developers will go further than this, since they will want to maximize the benefits they receive from their Office Compatible product. To do so, they will formally enroll their product in the Office Compatible program, and they will submit it for testing. There is no charge to enroll a product in the Office Compatible Program, but there is a $600 charge for testing. These additional steps are optional unless a product wants to use the Office Compatible logo and participate in the marketing program. In which case, they are required.

Why was Office Compatible created?

Microsoft's research has shown that customers like the consistent, easy-to-use features found in Microsoft Office. The Office Compatible Program shares these features with developers, allowing them to create products that look and work like Microsoft Office. The resulting consistency and integration between products makes it easier for customers to learn and use Office Compatible products. Microsoft and its customers benefit from this arrangement, since it makes Office (and its skill set) more valuable to customers. Developers also benefit by leveraging the User Interface research Microsoft has conducted. Also, many developers have asked for permission to use Office features, and the Office Compatible Program satisfies this demand in a simple, efficient, and inexpensive manner. In this way, Office Compatible strives to share Office's success with other developers.

How will my product benefit by including Office Compatible features?

The Office Compatible features have been carefully selected to assure that they are popular with Office customers and that they represent the primary set of commands through which users complete their work. By adopting them, developers receive the benefits inherent in features that have been thoroughly usability-tested. In addition, these products will presumably be more appealing to Office users, since they can leverage the skills they have already developed within Office.

Which Office features are included in Office Compatible 97?

Office Compatible 97 includes the features through which Office users complete most of their work. These "bread & butter" features include basic menus, accelerator keys, toolbars, dialog boxes, and support for HTML. In addition, Office Compatible 97 includes support for Intellimouse ™, an exciting new version of the Microsoft mouse, that dramatically increases the ease with which Office can be used.

How was the Office Compatible 97 feature set selected?

The selected features represent the core of the typical Office user's skill set. Their inclusion assures customers that they will be able to transfer their skills directly from Office to Office Compatible 97 products, increasing the perceived value of all participating products.

What must a product do to participate in Office Compatible?

To participate in Office Compatible, a product must:

What are the benefits of enrolling in Office Compatible?

Enrollment is one step toward the goal of qualifying to use the Office Compatible Logo and participating in the Office Compatible marketing activities. In addition, members receive a Pre-Test Kit, which contains the latest information about Office Compatible 97, a quarterly newsletter to keep members updated on Office Compatible and other relevant Microsoft activities. They also receive an invitation to the annual Office Compatible Developer's Conference, and they become eligible to apply for participation in the next Office beta program.

What are the marketing opportunities for Office Compatible participants?

Products that have enrolled in the program and passed testing are eligible to use the Office Compatible logo on product packaging, collateral, and advertising. In addition, they can participate in various marketing opportunities offered by Microsoft throughout the year. These opportunities are constantly changing, so after your product passes testing you will receive information about the current opportunities. They may include activities such as these:

Why is testing required?

Testing is only necessary if a product wants to use the Office Compatible logo and participate in the Office Compatible marketing program. It assures customers that the product will look and work like Microsoft Office, allowing them to leverage their Office skills. Assuring that Office Compatible products have complied with an objective standard also protects the investment developers make when they build products that qualify for the Office Compatible logo.

What is tested ?

Office Compatible testing verifies that an Office Compatible product's basic user interface is substantially similar to Microsoft Office. In general, the standard toolbar, menus, accelerators, mouse support, and basic dialog boxes are examined, but the exact testing requirements vary from one type of product to another. For more information, read Office Compatible 97 Testing Requirements.

What if some of the Office Compatible features aren't appropriate for my product?

Although the Office Compatible features are applicable to most products, there are exceptions. In some cases, the standard Office design must be adapted to meet the special needs of a particular product. In other cases, a feature may not apply at all. In these circumstances, we will grant special waivers from the standard testing requirements if we believe they are justified by the Office user's welfare. For more information, read Office Compatible 97 Testing Requirements or send email to OFFCOMP@MICROSOFT.COM.

Who conducts Office Compatible testing?

Office Compatible testing is conducted by Veritest, Inc., an independent company which also conducts testing for the Microsoft Windows logo program and for the Microsoft BackOffice logo program. Veritest can be contacted as follows:

Office Compatible Logo Administrator

VeriTest, Inc.
3420 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 2030
Santa Monica, CA 90405
310-450-0062 (voice)
310-399-1760 (fax)

If I meet the Office Compatible requirements, can I be sure I've built a great product for the Office desktop?

No. The Office Compatible requirements are designed to assure customers that a product looks and works like Microsoft Office, but they can not guarantee that a product actually meets customers' needs. Also, since Office Compatible testing does not look for software errors, it can not assess overall product quality. Developers should think of Office Compatible as one rung on a ladder they climb as they produce a great product for their customers. Reaching the top depends on much more than Office Compatible, even though that is an important step along the way. Microsoft offers many other programs, tools and technologies that can also help. See Other Resources for Office Compatible 97 Developers for more information.

Where can I get other, non-Office Compatible information that will help me build a great product?

See Other Resources for Office Compatible 97 Developers.

Is Office Compatible a global program, or is it limited to the United States?

Office Compatible is a global program, which is available to every Microsoft subsidiary. However, each subsidiary must decide whether they wish to participate. Office Compatible 95 was supported by most Microsoft subsidiaries in Europe as well as in Japan and other major markets, and we anticipate even wider support for Office Compatible 97. For current information send email to: OFFCOMP@MICROSOFT.COM.

How can I get more information about Office Compatible?

Connect to the Office Compatible website at, or send email to OFFCOMP@MICROSOFT.COM.

What should I do next?

  1. Read Office Compatible 97 Testing Requirements and Office Compatible 97 Feature Style Guide.
  2. Clarify any questions by sending email to Office Compatible: OFFCOMP@MICROSOFT.COM.
  3. Enroll in Office Compatible 97.
  4. Contact Veritest, Inc. for information about their testing policies. Veritest can be reached at: Office Compatible Logo Administrator
    VeriTest, Inc.
    3420 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 2030
    Santa Monica, CA 90405
    310-450-0062 (voice)
    310-399-1760 (fax)

  5. Build your Office Compatible 97 product.
  6. When you enroll in Office Compatible, we will send you an Office Compatible Logo License Agreement. Sign it, and send it to:

    Microsoft Office Compatible Program
    Microsoft Corporation
    One Microsoft Way
    Redmond, WA 98052

  7. Submit the product to Veritest.
  8. Once your product has passed testing, you will automatically receive the artwork for the Office Compatible logo and information about current marketing opportunities.