Control Elements Within the Office Compatible 97 Toolbar Configuration Dialog Box

Toolbar List Box

The Toolbar List Box should contain a list of the toolbars which the user can optionally activate. Ideally the Office model for selecting toolbars should be followed (i.e., via checkboxes included within the list), but alternate selection methods will be accepted unless it seems likely that they might confuse Office customers. Design adaptations must be approved by Microsoft prior to testing.

Large Buttons Checkbox

Office Compatible 97 products should use small (about 16 x 16 pixels) buttons by default, but if the Large Buttons checkbox is checked, then large buttons (about 32 x 32 pixels) should be used instead.

Show ToolTips Checkbox

Office Compatible 97 products should display ToolTips by default, but if the Show ToolTips checkbox is unchecked, then ToolTips should not be shown.